I realized recently that I was telling someone about my weekend and I felt it necessary to state that I was with my "best friend". Not "friend", not "girl I went to school with", and not "bitch face" (as I often address my friends in text messages).
I think women find it necessary to not only have a best friend, but to also address said best friend by their official best friend title. I have a great group of close girlfriends whom I love to pieces, but when I tell people about what my bestie and I got up to, I always say "best friend".
Guys, on the other hand, don't feel the need to label all their friends in order from best friend to acquaintance. My brother refers to all his friends as "me mate" (his English is exceptional). Even though I know he has a best mate who has been with him since early high school, he's never once called this guy his best mate. I asked Dad once who his best friend was and he just looked at me blankly and then said "aahhhh..." and pulled a thinking face.
I take it to a higher level too, and I make comments like "Oh that's Liv, she's one of my closest friends" or "I'm going with my group of best girlfriends!" as if there are different awards to hand out. My idea of friendship seems to be like the Logies. We have the winner of the "Best Friend" award, the "Silver Logie" type awards like "Best Male Friend" , "Best Gay Friend", "Oldest Friend" (We've like totally known each other since Prep!), "The Best Friend from Work", and then a group prize for those girls I consider to be my posse/ gang/ ensemble.
It's sad enough that I seem to do this, but I suppose we all do. We all have friends who are closer to us than others, and there's nothing wrong with that. There are those friends you see from time to time at parties and you have a good laugh together. And there are those that you see weekly, who know every detail of your life. And in my case there are those I share far too much with, who I must always be nice to because they have too much information to blackmail me with.
What's weird is that I feel it necessary to label them in conversation. "O'Shea, yeah he's like my best guy friend!". "Linny, she's my bestie!" "Ash? Ash is like my brother, we're THAT close!"
So guys out there, why is it you generally don't have "best friends"? I know you do! We all favour some people over others (don't hide it, it's true).
There's always one friend who, if they were in a burning building with another friend / acqaintence and you could only save one, you'd totally save them. I feel as if I've taken it too far again...
Please comment and share your thoughts, I'd like to know I'm not insane.