Thursday, July 21, 2011

little piggy!

Dear Little Piggy, 

Every time I look at this photo of you, I laugh uncontrollably. And then I make high pitched noises that women make when we see cute things eg. babies, tiny pigs wearing gumboots, a shoe sale etc. 

Firstly, I have to ask, where on earth did you find gumboots so delightfully small? And did you have to buy two pairs or was there a special four pack for piggies? 

Secondly, since when did animals care if their feet (or in your case, hooves) get muddy? In fact, if I do recall correctly, I thought pigs LOVED rolling around in mud? (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, the extent of my pig knowledge is from Charlotte's Web) (the original cartoon, not the Dakota Fanning remake).

And thirdly, thanks for being so cute and making me giggle. My boyfriend rolls his eyes at me whenever I talk to your picture (I think it's mainly because I talk really fast and high pitched. Something along the lines of "awww liddle piggy wearing widdle gumboots!") But he just doesn't understand. 

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, perhaps a raincoat could be your next investment? Followed by a matching hat. Then I would well and truly lose my shit. 

Kind regards, 


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